Bulk SMS

Bulk SMS: Cut through the noise to reach more customers & boost sales

Bulk SMS is an excellent way for businesses to send multiple customers a message or promotional offer at once. That’s because SMS has a nearly four times greater open rate and eight times higher response rate than email. Try Textline’s bulk texting service for FREE for 14 days.

Textline’s bulk SMS software is trusted by thousands of customers

Businesses of all shapes and sizes love and trust Textline for their bulk SMS needs. Communicate with customers at scale with the top-rated SMS software on Capterra.

<span class="platform__quote">“Textline has been a major game changer as we migrate from traditional call and email to SMS communications! <span class="platform__quote--blue60">… Kudos to Textline, a definite value add, and an even better investment!</span></q></span>

<span class="platform__quote__author">Addie B.,<span class="platform__quote__author--blue60"> Capterra</span></span>

A screenshot of a text message

What is a bulk SMS software and what is bulk SMS marketing?

A bulk SMS platform enables businesses to send a mass text message to customers, employees, or prospects at the same time. Bulk SMS makes communicating with and marketing to your subscribed contacts easy and efficient.

You can send a bulk text to hundreds or even thousands of customers at the same time. Businesses use bulk texting to send payment alerts, event reminders, marketing messages, and more.

Bulk texting, also called text message marketing, is used by businesses to cut through the noise to get promotional messages to customers at scale. It is a mobile marketing tactic that is highly effective because the average text message is read within three minutes and it reaches customers in their preferred medium – texting! Businesses use SMS marketing to share marketing messages, event promotions, coupons, discounts, announcements, updates, and more. 

Try sending a bulk text to your customers and see the results for yourself. Start your 14-day free trial with Textline today. No credit card required.

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There are numerous benefits to bulk text messaging

Save time by reaching many customers at once

Don’t waste time sending one message repeatedly. Instead, send a single message to many contacts at once to save time and effort.

Ensure customers see your messages

Texts have a 98 percent open rate and 45 percent response rate, making them an effective way to engage customers and ensure your messages are seen.

Keep messages personalized

Even though a bulk text is sent to multiple people at the same time, you can still personalize each message with custom fields. This includes items like first name, appointment time, and date.

Works for businesses of all sizes

Bulk text messaging works for all businesses no matter the size, industry, or budget. Texting is a familiar business communication channel that makes it easy to connect with customers.

Textline’s stand-out features to know

Each bulk texting platform in the market has different features. However, there are some key ones to keep in mind when deciding what platform will work best for your business. Textline’s robust bulk text messaging platform will ensure you are set up for success with these features.

Opt-in and opt-out feature

<div class="platform__mb40">Any bulk texting service should allow customers to easily opt-in and out of messages with terms like “START,” “STOP,” and “UNSUBSCRIBE.” Before selecting a bulk SMS provider, make sure they offer this capability. Without it, you may be illegally texting your contacts.</div>

Familiarity with SMS compliance rules

<div class="platform__mb40">Any bulk texting service should be familiar with the regulations surrounding SMS. This includes familiarity with the TCPA, The Campaign Registry, opt-in requirements and more. Pick an SMS provider that prioritizes security and compliance.</div>

Two-way conversations

<div class="platform__mb40">Given the high response rate to texts, make sure your business SMS platform allows two-way SMS so you can reply back and communicate with customers that respond to your bulk text message. This will increase the likelihood of a positive response to bulk messages and allow you to have personal interactions with your contacts to build longer-lasting relationships.</div>

Contact segmentation

<div class="platform__mb40">Find a bulk texting service that allows you to segment your larger contact list into smaller groups and categories. This will drive better results and ensure your messages are relevant to each customer.</div>

Smart SMS

This feature allows you to send bulk messages up to 400x faster and send messages from phone numbers matching recipients' area codes.

Seamless contact upload

<div class="platform__mb40">Find a bulk texting service that makes it easy to upload your subscribed contacts. Textline allows you to manually upload contacts, use a CSV file, or access an existing address book. We also have an open application programming interface that allows you to connect other contact sources.</div>

Text templates

<div class="platform__mb40">Pick a bulk texting service that allows users to create and store their own message templates. This will streamline communication and help save time and effort when it comes to recurring messages.</div>

Performance tracking

<div class="platform__mb40">Choose a bulk texting service that lets you track message performance with ease. Textline allows users to track stats like replies, opt-outs, delivery errors, and more.</div>

Message scheduling

<div class="platform__mb40">Ensure you can send bulk texts at the appropriate time, no matter what your schedule looks like by picking a platform that allows you to both send bulk messages immediately and schedule text messages ahead of time.</div>


A bulk text messaging platform that supports automation can bring with it time-saving possibilities. This will allow you to spend more time on conversations that matter the most. With Textline’s automated texting feature you can set up an automated welcome message, schedule a survey to send a week after a product is purchased, send weekly reminders, and more.

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Why tap Textline for bulk SMS

Textline is an industry-leading business texting platform for bulk SMS. With out-of-the-box integrations and top-notch support, Textline enables companies to enhance sales, marketing, customer service, and internal team communication. What makes Textline best-in-class?


Textline is proud of our enterprise-grade security. There’s a reason Textline is the most secure business texting platform in the industry. We follow advanced security protocols, so you will never worry about your company or customer data.

Unwavering support

Our top priority is our customers' success and happiness. Textline’s support team is always a text, chat, or email away. Whether you need help with onboarding, SMS compliance, or setting up a particular feature, you can expect fast and practical support.

Built for teams

Textline’s platform is built with team collaboration in mind. Our multi-user platform enables teams to work together to manage text conversations efficiently.

Customer-driven innovation

We constantly add new integrations and features based on customer feedback. We strive to be on the cutting edge of the business texting landscape.

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Reach customers quickly and at scale with Textline’s bulk text messaging service

Both large and small businesses use bulk SMS platforms for many use cases. Here are just a few examples:

SMS marketing campaigns

Bulk SMS is often used for text message marketing, such as sending a welcome discount to newly subscribed contacts or promoting a flash sale. With high open rates and response rates, SMS is a great marketing channel to reach the right audience.

Appointment reminders

Bulk texts can come in handy for sending appointment reminders and other transactional SMS messages. Instead of sending individual text messages to each customer, a business could send every client on the books for the week a text reminder at the same time.

Payment reminders

Another use case for bulk SMS is sending payment reminders, such as a text blast to residents announcing rent is due tomorrow. 

Account management

Use bulk SMS to check in with multiple customers at once about a recent purchase, how satisfied a customer is with a recent service, or to schedule their next annual service appointment.

Internal team memos

Customers at Textline use bulk messaging to send their employees important memos and reminders. SMS particularly comes in handy for customers who have teams that are not behind a computer to check email. 

Broadcast important alerts

Another use case is sending important must-read updates or mobile text alerts to a group of customers or employees. This can include alerts about road closures, office closures, weather reminders, and more.

Sales lead follow-up

Another way customers use bulk texting is by following up with sales leads. You can send a bulk message to a batch of leads to remind them about an upcoming demo, schedule an initial call, or check in to see if they made any decisions.


Another use case for bulk texting is for recruiters to reach out to a list of candidates about scheduling an interview for a particular job.

Thank you or holiday messages

Thank a group of customers for their business or send a holiday text message to your entire contact list with bulk texting.

Take it out for a spin

Try Textline for free for 14 days. No credit card required.

Bulk text messaging frequently asked questions

Is it legal to send bulk SMS messages?

Absolutely! It is legal to bulk text subscribed contacts. But before sending your first text, businesses should keep several rules in mind. In particular, businesses should comply with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. One main aspect of the TCPA is to get written or verbal consent to text any contact. This consent is called an opt-in. There are many ways to collect opt-ins. Learn key strategies to obtain opt-ins here.

Additionally, to comply with text message regulations, you must also ensure contacts can opt out or unsubscribe from messages at any time. One way to ensure you comply with this aspect of the law is to pick an SMS provider that automatically unsubscribes contacts when they reply with words like STOP, END, or QUIT. 

Learn more about compliance in this blog

Can I send bulk texts from my personal cellphone?

If you want to send true bulk text messages from your cellphone, you should use a mobile app from a bulk texting service. That’s because mobile messaging apps like Apple’s iMessage and Android’s Messages do not support compliant business bulk texting. That's because native texting apps pose compliance risks as they don't make it easy for customers to opt-out with keywords.

Who can I send bulk texts to?

You can send bulk texts to contacts who’ve consented. Make sure that when customers opt in, they understand what types of messages they will receive from you. 

Can you share some bulk texting best practices?

Here are a few best practices for sending bulk texts. 

  • Get consent to text
  • Tell contacts what types of messages they are opting into
  • Pay attention to text frequency and timing
  • Provide opt-out instructions
  • Keep texts personalized with custom fields
  • Understand how you’ll manage replies before sending your first message

To get more bulk texting best practices, check out this blog.

What phone number types can be used to send bulk SMS?

There are three phone number types available for bulk texting. These are 10-digit long codes, dedicated short codes, or toll-free numbers. 10DLC numbers are local long-code numbers and are commonly used for two-way SMS. Dedicated short codes are five or six-digit numbers commonly used for one-way text blasts by businesses or for events. They’re often placed on text advertisements. A third number type is a toll-free number, also known as an 800 number.

What phone number type is best?

There are pros and cons to each number type. One thing to keep in mind is the registration process. If you want to use a 10DLC, or local number, you must register before you can send messages. The registration and approval process takes about two to three weeks. Once you're registered and approved, you can start bulk texting. If you need a more immediate texting service, a toll-free number is a great alternative. While you must also register this number, you can start texting while waiting for approval. Short codes also need to be registered, which can take six to ten weeks.

Can I personalize bulk texts?

Yes! With Textline, you can use variable fields to pull specific customer information, such as name, company, job title, date, time, and more into your bulk texts. 

How much does it cost to send a bulk text campaign?

The cost will depend on your bulk SMS service provider and the number of messages you send. Textline offers customers three different pricing plans based on their business needs. You can also fill out our Enterprise Form if you have special requests. We’ll work together to figure out the best plan for you.

No matter which pricing plan you choose, all of them start with a 14-day free trial.

What are some bulk texting use cases?

There are many reasons companies and business owners turn to bulk messaging. Here are some use cases, broken up by common business departments.

Sales and marketing

  • Share details about a new deal or sale
  • Send meeting reminders
  • Promote an event
  • Lead follow-ups

Customer support

  • Alert customers to shipping delays or scheduled downtime
  • Send text message surveys 
  • Follow up with a group of upset customers
  • Reschedule deliveries, services, or appointments

Customer service texting

  • Send an NPS or CSAT text survey
  • Confirm a product purchase
  • Send a thank you message 
  • Check-in with current customers


  • Schedule an interview
  • Send a text requesting temp workers 
  • Share interview reminders
  • Share updates with candidates


  • Send an employee memo 
  • Ask for employee feedback
  • Send last-minute shift requests
  • Acknowledge employees or teams for work wins

Why should I consider SMS as a marketing channel?

There are many benefits to using SMS marketing. Here are a few to note: 

  • The average click-through rate for promotional messages sent via SMS is 9.18 percent higher than any other digital channel
  • Texting has a high open rate of 98 percent
  • The average text message is read within three minutes so brands can share updates with customers quickly
  • Texting has a 45 percent response rate and allows for personal two-way conversations
  • 81 percent of Americans text regularly
  • 64 percent of consumers say that businesses should use SMS more frequently to connect with them

Can I send multimedia like photos or links in bulk texts?

Absolutely! Textline allows you to send photos, links, PDFs, and more in bulk texts. Attaching these items would make the message a multimedia message, or MMS. While MMS costs more to send, research shows they can be more engaging! 

Can I use emojis in bulk text messages?

Definitely! Textline allows users to send emojis in mass texts.

Do I need to reply to bulk texts?

You don’t! If you get any replies to your bulk text message, you have the option to reply or not. Textline recommends getting a plan in place to handle any replies. If you choose not to reply, you may want to set up an automated message that lets customers know a better way to contact you. You can also opt to reply to anyone directly.

How many text messages can I send when bulk texting?

You can send an unlimited number of bulk SMS messages and bulk SMS campaigns with Textline. But, make sure you don’t send customers too many text blasts or you’ll likely increase your unsubscribe rate.

How much time does it take to send a bulk text campaign?

Typically regulations limit it to one SMS each second. But, Textline has a Smart SMS feature that helps speed up the sending process.

Is my business a fit for bulk texting?

Most likely! The Textline team can help your business understand how you can use bulk text messaging to reach your customers, team members, or leads at scale. Sign up for a free demo here or text us with questions at +1 415-849-4349.

Can Textline help me send my first bulk text campaign?

Absolutely. Textline can help you schedule your first bulk text message campaign. You can text us at +1 415-849-4349 and get help in minutes.

Enhance outreach with bulk SMS integrations

Improve communication with your contacts by integrating Textline’s bulk SMS platform with your existing business tools. It just takes a few clicks to connect Textline to popular CRM, help desk, and marketing software. Use these integrations to provide a seamless, well-timed, and helpful customer communication experience.

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Questions? Text us: +1 415-849-4349 or contact us here.