Help your team work more efficiently by using Textline and Slack together. Textline's integration with Slack allows you to view, reply, and send text messages right from your preferred Slack channel. Additionally, discuss or share your Textline conversations with your team in Slack.
Textline integration in Slack.
What you can do with the Slack integration
Sync your Textline messages with your Slack account.
Handle all of your Textline conversations without leaving Slack.
View and respond to Textline messages in Slack.
Use Textline features like Whispers, Shortcuts, Claiming/Transfering, and more directly in Slack.
“A big reason why we are using text is because we want to make sure that we're communicating with our customers in a way that feels personal. A lot of other companies are just doing automated messaging — big, mass email programs and campaigns. And that's not our approach at all.”
— Shannon Kinet, Director of Sales Operations, Remote Year
How to install
Follow these directions to set up your Textline and Slack integration.
Log into your Textline account and click Settings > Tools & Integrations > Slack.
Follow the directions on the Slack website you’re redirected to.
Grant permission to Textline to integrate with Slack.
Select the channel you want your Textline messages to appear in and save your settings in Textline.
Use all of Textline’s features with Slack
Claim and Resolve conversations — These tools allow you to divide your team’s workload.
Shortcuts — Respond using pre-saved text templates for frequently used messages.
Transfer — Transfer messages, similar to transferring phone calls.
Notifications — Receive notifications right in Slack.
Whispers — Send private notes to team members.
HIPAA compliant* — Protect sensitive health information.
Reopen Resolved conversations — Reopen conversations that have already been resolved if necessary.
*Note: Textline is HIPAA compliant but cannot guarantee compliance once data leaves our system via an integration.
Get started with Textline for Slack.
If your team is ready to start texting, sign up for your free 14-day Textline trial. Already have a Textline account? Get set up in minutes.