High-quality candidates receive an overwhelming number of emails and LinkedIn messages. To stand out, recruiters have turned to text messaging as a way to cut through the noise and contact job candidates.
Texting software for recruiting helps recruiters schedule interviews, screen candidates, share application statuses, and more.
In this article, we’ll give you 30 effective text recruiting templates to use across common scenarios for recruiters. Plus we’ll break down the benefits of a text recruiting strategy and tips to succeed with text communication.
Read on to discover the power of a text message for recruiters.
Jump right to:
- 30 recruiting text message templates
- 6 top benefits of texting in the recruitment process
- 8 best practices for recruitment texting
- Frequently asked questions
<h2 id="templates">30 recruiting text message templates</h2>
Here are 30 recruiting text message examples and templates that will help you create a positive candidate experience throughout the recruitment process.
Hiring event text templates
Use one of these recruitment templates to promote your hiring event or text someone you met there.
Recruitment marketing
Get the word out to job seekers about new opportunities to help with talent acquisition.
Hi [candidate name]. My name is [name] and I’m a recruiter for [company]. We are looking to hire a talented [job title] and think you’d be a great fit based on your experiences. Please reply and let me know if you are interested in learning more!
Invite to a hiring event
Use this text recruiting template to invite a candidate to visit your booth at a career fair or stop by a hiring event that you will be attending.
Hi [candidate name]. This is [name] from [company]. I saw you RSVP’d to the upcoming career fair at [location] on [date]. My company will be there at booth [booth number]. Based on your experience and major, we hope you stop by to learn more about [open position].
Hiring event follow up
Send a text to a prospective candidate you met at a career fair or other hiring event to encourage the next steps.
Hi [candidate name]. [Recruiter name] here from [company]. It was a pleasure meeting you at [event or university name]. I’d love to schedule a 15-minute call to discuss your skills and career interests in greater detail. Please select a time that works for you: [calendar link].

Application confirmation text templates
Use one of the following SMS templates to give candidates peace of mind that they submitted their application correctly.
Job application submitted confirmation
Let your candidate know their job application was submitted with an SMS message.
Hi [candidate name]. Thank you for applying to [company name]. Your [job title] application was successfully submitted. [Recruiter name] will be in touch with you in [time-frame] to go over next steps.
Job application seen confirmation
Confirm with a candidate that you received their application for a particular position.
Hi [candidate name]. This is [name] from [company name]. Thank you for submitting your application and full resume for the [job title] position. We will be in touch in a few days about the next steps.

Interview invite and scheduling text templates
One of the top use cases of texting in recruiting is interview scheduling. Use one of these to invite and ensure candidates appear at scheduled interviews.
Phone screen invite
Use this text recruiting template to conduct a brief interview via text to narrow down your candidate pool.
Hi [candidate name]. I’m [recruiter name], a recruiter at [company name]. Thanks for applying to our [job title] role. The first step in our recruiting process is answering a few quick questions via text. You can answer these whenever you have a chance in the next day or two. Are you ready to see the first question?
Phone interview invite
Let job candidates schedule a phone interview via SMS.
Hi [candidate name]. My name is [recruiter name] from [company.] We reviewed your application for our [job title] role and we’d love to schedule a [X]-minute phone interview! Please schedule at a time that is most convenient for you: [calendar link]. Thanks, I look forward to chatting!
Video interview invite
Use this text to invite a candidate for a video interview.
Hello [candidate name]. This is [recruiter name] with [company.] We’d love to invite you for a video interview next week over [Zoom or another video conferencing platform]. Would [date] and [time] work for you? Other dates and interview times are available if necessary. Thank you!
In-person interview invite
This text message for recruiters template invites a candidate for an in-person interview.
Hello [candidate name]. This is [recruiter name] with [company.] We’d love to invite you for an in-person interview next week at our office in [location]. Would [date] at [time] work for you? If not, we have other dates and times available. Thank you!
Interview reschedule message
Unfortunately, rescheduled interviews happen. Use this text to quickly reschedule.
Hello [candidate name]. Unfortunately, I need to reschedule our interview on [date]. Would you be available instead on [date 1, date 2, or date 3]? Thank you for understanding. - [Recruiter name] from [company].

Helpful interview reminders
Use one of these messages to share reminders with candidates ahead of their interview.
Interview date/time reminders
Use a text to simply remind candidates about an upcoming interview.
Hi [candidate name]. [Recruiter name] here with [company]. This is just a friendly reminder that your interview with [employee name] is tomorrow at [time]. We look forward to speaking with you.
Project reminder
Remind candidates about an assignment or project they need to complete for an upcoming interview.
Hi [candidate name]. [Recruiter name] here from [company]. I just wanted to remind you that for your upcoming interview we will be reviewing your [project or assignment]. Please let me know if you have any questions as you prepare!
Interview confirmation messages
Use this recruiting text message example to ask candidates to confirm an upcoming interview.
Hi [candidate name]. [Recruiter name] here with [company]. Your interview with [interviewer name] is scheduled for [date] at [time]. Please reply “C” to confirm. Thank you!

Follow up text templates for recruiters
Recruiters will need to follow up with candidates. Use one of these text templates to do so.
Follow up after an in person interview
Send your candidates a follow-up text message the day they came in for an interview.
Hey [candidate name]. Thanks for coming to [interview location] for the interview, it was great meeting you. I’ll be in touch in the next [time frame] to share the next steps. Feel free to reach out here if you have any questions. - [Recruiter name]
Follow up after a video interview
Send your candidates a follow-up text message on the day of a video interview.
Hey [candidate name]. Thanks for taking the time to speak with [interviewer name] today. I’ll be in touch in the next [time frame] to share the next steps. Feel free to reach out here if you have any questions. - [Recruiter name] from [organization name]
Follow up after a missed call
Use this recruiting text message example to follow up with candidates after missing their call.
Hi [candidate name]. I am sorry I missed your call. I am free to talk via [video-chat platform] or phone on [date] at [time] to follow up. Please let me know if that works. Other times can be scheduled if necessary. - [Recruiter name]
Follow up on important email
Keep in touch with candidates through SMS after sending an important email.
Hey [candidate name]. I just wanted to check in and make sure you saw my recent email. Please let me know if you received it and if you have any questions. - [Recruiter name]

Templates to share helpful content and nurture candidates
You can use a text message to keep candidates engaged and primed for their interviews. Check out a few templates to help recruiters share this information.
Provide interview tips
Send candidates a quick text to share helpful reminders or tips to help them succeed in an upcoming interview.
Hi [candidate name]. [Recruiter name] here from [company]. I wanted to quickly share a resource that may help you prepare for your upcoming interview: [Link to resource].
Reengage a past applicant
Use SMS to reconnect with an applicant you worked with in the past if you have a new job opening they will be a good fit for.
Hi [candidate name]. This is [recruiter name], a recruiter with [company]. I’m reaching out because we are hiring for a [new role]. I believe that your skills and work experience would make you great for this role. Would you be available for a call on [date] to discuss this opportunity?
Reengage and nurture passive candidates
Use an SMS message to follow up with a candidate that hasn’t replied back to you in a few days. You can ask them if they have questions or offer to set up a quick chat.
Hi [candidate name]. This is [recruiter name] from [company]. I’m reaching out to see if you’re still interested in applying to our [open position]. Let me know if I can answer any questions for you!

Job offer and rejection templates
It’s often the recruiters job to let a candidate know whether or not they received the job. Here are some short message templates to alert candidates of a job offer or a rejection.
Job offer
After finding your high-quality candidate, use this recruiting text message template to alert them that they got the job.
Congratulations, [candidate name] 🥳 We’d like to offer you the position of [job title.] We think you are a great fit for our team. An email will be sent to you with additional details and the offer letter. We look forward to hearing your decision! -[Recruiter name].
Rejection text
Use this recruiting text message example to let candidates know they didn’t make it to the next round of interviews.
Hi [candidate name.] Thank you for taking the time to meet with the team about the [job title] role at [company.] Unfortunately, they decided to move forward with a different candidate. I’m happy to reach out to you again as other job opportunities arise.

Templates to send hirees
A recruiter’s job is often not done until the candidate joins and is onboarded. Use one of these text templates to send the hiree.
Use SMS to start the onboarding process, especially if you want your candidate to fill out paperwork.
Hi [candidate name]. Congratulations again on your job offer! Stay tuned for a few more emails from us with requirements, paperwork, and your first-day schedule. - [Recruiter name].
Reminder to sign offer letter
Use this recruiting text message template to warmly remind your candidate to sign their offer letter.
Hi [candidate name]. Just a friendly reminder to review and sign your offer letter. If you have any questions, please let me know. We’re looking forward to having you on the team! - [Recruiter name]
Remind hiree to complete paperwork
Gently remind your new hire to fill out necessary paperwork prior to their start day.
Hi [candidate name]. We can’t wait for you to join the team on [date]! Please remember to complete the necessary paperwork prior to your first day. Thank you! - [Recruiter name]

Encourage referrals and feedback
It’s important to encourage referrals and feedback from job candidates and hiring managers. That’s because it can help you build your reputation and improve the hiring process for future candidates. Here are some templates for this scenario.
Reach out to a referral
Referrals are one of the top ways to source top talent. Use SMS to communicate with these referral leads.
Hi [candidate name]. My name is [name], a recruiter with [company]. A friend of yours that works here, [employee name] referred you for our [open position]. Are you available for a quick call to discuss this opportunity in greater detail? Here’s a link to the job description: [Link]
Encourage staff referrals
Send an SMS message to your employees to encourage them to make a referral.
Hi team! We are hiring a new [job title]! If you have any friends or family you think would be a great fit, please send them our way. Thanks! - [Recruiter name]
Request feedback from candidates
After a candidate accepts a job offer, ask them to take a survey via SMS.
Hi [hiree]. Congrats again on your job offer! Would you be willing to take a quick survey via text about our interview process? Your feedback is so valuable and can help us improve for the next candidates. - [Recruiter name] with [company].
Ask candidates to leave a review
Ask your candidate to leave a review about the interview process or hiring process via text. Ask them to leave it on a website like Glassdoor or if you are a recruitment firm ask them to leave a review on your website.
Hi [chosen candidate name]. Congrats again on your job offer! Would you be willing to leave a review about your recruiting experience with [company name]? Your feedback is so valuable and can help us improve for the next candidates. - [Recruiter name] with [company].
Ask hiring manager to leave a review
Use this SMS template to kindly ask your hiring manager to give you a review of the recruitment process.
Hi [hiring manager name]. I hope you are doing well! Would you kindly provide a brief review of the [job title] hiring process. Your feedback helps us gain the best candidates. Thank you! - [Recruiter name]

<h2 id="top">6 top benefits of texting in the recruitment process</h2>
For recruiters, there are many benefits to adding text as a communication tool. Here are just a few stats and benefits to keep in mind.
- Improve candidate experience. Candidates who received texts from recruiters rated their experience 50 percent higher than those who didn’t receive texts.
- Ensure messages are seen. SMS open rates are 98 percent, nearly four times that of email.
- Boost replies. The average SMS response rate is 45 percent, nearly eight times that of email
- Communicate instantly. Most texts are read within three minutes of being received.
- Increase response time. The average response time to a text message is 90 seconds.
- Contact candidates conveniently. Texting can be more convenient for candidates since it saves them from picking up a phone call or responding to a personal email while at work.
<h2 id="best">8 best practices for writing and sending recruitment texts</h2>
SMS is a great communication tool for recruiters, but there are some best practices to follow to ensure that texting is well received by candidates.
- Get consent to text your candidates. Ensure your text messages comply with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act and The Campaign Registry regulations. You must receive opt-ins from candidates and provide a way for them to unsubscribe.
- Balance automation and human touch. While automation tools can help recruiters boost productivity, you want to ensure your messages have a personal touch. A recruiter is the first person a candidate communicates with, so add an empathetic human touch.
- Keep it short and to the point. Standard SMS messages have a 160-character limit. Keep your message content short, simple, and to the point. Only include important information and don’t send long messages. If you need to send a lot of information, an email could be better.
- Personalize your message. Personalize your text messages by including your candidate’s first name and use candidate data to keep your messages relevant to them.
- Text during business hours. To comply with the laws that regulate business texting and improve the candidate experience, send text messages during business hours. This typically means 9am to 5pm in your time zone.
- Keep frequency in mind. In addition to the time of day, keep the frequency of messages in mind. Don’t send too many messages to your candidates or it will start to feel intrusive and like spam.
- Introduce yourself or your business. It’s important to introduce yourself or your business in your texts. This makes your candidates feel more secure and increases the likelihood that they will respond.
- Let candidates know they can text you. Make sure candidates know they can message you with questions at any point. This will encourage them to reach out. If you work for a recruiting business, share your business texting number online and in physical locations.
For more innovative recruiting ideas, check out our blog that breaks down 20 out-of-the-box recruiting strategies.
<h2 id="ask">Frequently asked questions about recruitment texting</h2>
Here are responses to some of the most commonly asked questions about recruitment texting. Check out our answers to deepen your understanding of recruitment SMS texting and gain proper texting practices.
Is texting better than other recruitment tools?
In short, no. There are recruitment tools like emails, applicant tracking software, social media, and job boards that will always be important. While SMS does not replace those tools, it gives recruiters the advantage of reaching candidates quickly, starting conversations, and getting instant replies.
Is cold texting a candidate legal?
Yes, cold texting is illegal. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act requires businesses to get an opt-in from recipients before texting them. You risk fines and reputational damage if you don’t obtain SMS opt-ins.
Instead of sending a cold text message, there are strategies you can use to “warm up” your texts and send them securely. Grow your SMS subscriber list by sharing your phone number, adding an SMS opt-in to your application submission for creating keywords, and more.
Enhance your recruitment communication with Textline
Recruiters are turning to text messaging to help reach candidates where they spend a lot of time: their mobile phones. When you use the proper SMS practices, you can communicate with candidates instantly and securely.
Ready to implement texting into your recruiting workflow? Schedule a demo with Textline today.