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45+ SMS templates for schools [free]

Eliza Block
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Effective communication is crucial for schools to keep their community updated in a timely manner. With students and faculty often sprawled across classrooms and campuses, schools need a tool to mass communicate. SMS keeps school communication effective and reliable by allowing schools to send mass messages that are delivered instantly and read quickly. 

There are many different communication scenarios throughout the school year that texting can help improve. Read on to get over 45 SMS templates for all of your school communication needs. 

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45+ bulk SMS templates for schools

In this article, we’ve provided SMS templates for any school communication you need. From event reminders to emergency alerts, SMS helps your school inform your community instantly.

Here are over 45 SMS templates for schools to save your administration time. You can tweak the templates to suit your exact needs. 

<h3 id="Event">Event invites and reminders</h3>

Use an SMS message to promote a school event to students, parents, or faculty and boost attendance. Here are event promotion SMS templates for inspiration.

  1. Dances

Hi, [name]. [School name]’s homecoming dance is right around the corner! Snag tickets by [date] for $[X] off: [link]

  1. Fundraisers

Hi, [name]. Help [school name] raise funds for [school project]! Your support means everything to us and our students. Donate here: [link]

  1. Sporting events

Hi, [name]! Don’t forget to grab tickets to our [school sport] game on [date] at [time]. Show your school spirit and get your tickets here: [link]

  1. Concerts

Hi, [name]! Our [school concert name] concert is almost here! Our students have been practicing hard and can't wait to show you their talent! Get your tickets here: [link]

  1. Graduation

[Name], [school name’s] [grade] graduation ceremony will be held in the [location] on [date] at [time]! Reserve your seats here: [link]

A text example of a school dance announcement

<h3 id="Update">School updates and announcements</h3>

SMS is effective for sending quick updates and announcements to school communities. Here are SMS templates to keep your students, parents, and staff informed. 

  1. Holiday regards

[School name]: 🎄Happy holidays! We wish you a joyful holiday season and great New Year. As a reminder, school is closed [date] - [date].

  1. New program

[School name] is excited to announce we are offering a new course this academic year: [course name]. To learn more about it, simply reply YES.

  1. Admissions

Hi, [name]. There’s still time to apply for [school name]’s [program name] program. We will begin announcing admissions in [duration].

A reminder text example for school closure during holidays

<h3 id="Emergency">Emergency alerts</h3>

When it comes to emergencies, schools need to be able to send safety information instantly. Here are SMS templates to quickly alert your school community. 

  1. Closures

Due to severe weather conditions, [school name] will be closed [date]. If you want to receive updates, reply YES.

  1. Transportation cancellations

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the afternoon bus is cancelled. Please arrange alternation transportation for your student. We apologize for the inconvenience.

  1. Drill announcement

A lockdown drill will take place the week of [date]. Please review the information here in preparation for the drill: [link]

  1. Intruder alert

Police report an armed suspect on campus. [School name] community members: SHELTER IN PLACE.

  1. Safety update

ALL CLEAR. Shelter in place is lifted. Thank you.

A text example for a school closure due to bad weather

<h3 id="Student">Student coordination</h3>

SMS messaging is effective for communicating with students instantly. Many students have phones, especially older students in higher education, and 90 percent of text messages are read within the first 3 minutes. Take advantage of these SMS templates for schools to coordinate with students efficiently. 

  1. Curriculum materials

Hello, [student name]. Here’s a full list of studying materials for [course name] this semester: [link]

  1. Grades

Hi, [student name]. Your grade for [class/project] is now available. Head to your student portal to check it out: [link]

  1. Upcoming exams

Hello, [student name]. This is a reminder for the practice ACT held on [date & time]. Remember to bring water, a No.2 pencil, and a calculator.

  1. Application reminder

Hi, [student name]. The application deadline for admission into the [club/society name] is [date]. Apply now: [link]

  1. Registration coordination

Hi, [student name]. Your registration to try out for [sport] for the [semester] has been confirmed. Tryouts start on [date] at [time].

  1. Remote support or tutoring

Hi, [student name]. Our e-learning program gives you access to tutors and online resources that all students can take advantage of. Check out what’s available: [link]

  1. Send important notices

Hi, [student name]. Remember to pick up your student ID and books at the gym between [time] - [time] on [date]. Contact the admin office for any questions.

  1. Request documents

Hi, [student name]. Please remember to drop off your signed field trip permission slip to the admin office by [date]. Print it here: [link]

A reminder text example for an upcoming exam

<h3 id="Parent">Parent communication</h3>

Parents need to be informed just as much as students, especially when their children are too young to use a mobile phone. Here are SMS templates for schools to communicate with parents professionally.

  1. Posted grades

Hi, [guardian name]. Final grades for the semester will be posted online by [date]. You will also receive the report card in the mail. - [school name]

  1. Request chaperones

Hello, [guardian name]. We’re looking for [X] chaperones for [student name’s] fieldtrip to [location] on [date]. If you are available, please reply YES for more information.

  1. Schedule a meeting

Hi, [guardian name]! This is [name] from [school name]. Are you available to come in this week for a meeting to discuss [student name]? Please reply to or call this number.

  1. Meeting confirmation

Hi, [guardian name]. Your meeting tomorrow with [teacher name] is scheduled for [time]. Reply ‘C’ to confirm your attendance.

  1. Meeting reminder

Hi, [guardian name]! You have a meeting on [date] and [time] with [teacher name]. Please arrive 5 minutes early and wait outside classroom [X].

  1. Request information

Hi, [guardian name]. [Student name] was absent on [date] without notice. Please call [phone number] to provide a reason. - [school admin office]

  1. Share student behavior reports

Hi, [guardian name]! Here’s a report about [student name]’s recent behavior in class. Please reply to this number or call with any questions. [link]

A reminder text example for a parent-teacher meeting

<h3 id="Alumni">Alumni communication</h3>

Use SMS to connect with alumni and update them on school events. Here are SMS templates that encourage alumni engagement. 

  1. Reunion

Hi, [alum name]! We’re excited to invite you to [school name]’s [X]-year reunion party at [date & time]. For more details, reply YES.

  1. Event registration reminder

Last call, [name]! Register for [alumni event name] by [date] at [time]. We can’t wait to see you there! [link]

  1. Request donation

Hi, [name]! There is still time to make a gift to [school name]. We are grateful for our alumni support. Donate here: [link]

  1. Graduation speaker

Hi, [alum name]! We’re looking for [X] alumni to be graduation speakers this year! If you are interested, please fill out this form and we will get back to you within [duration]: [link]

  1. Alumni board

Hi, [alum name]. It’s not too late to join this year’s alumni board! Check out our available positions here: [link]

A text example for an alumni reunion announcement

<h3 id="Staff">Staff communication</h3>

Schools can use SMS to communicate quickly with staff about important updates and reminders. Here are templates for your school to use. 

  1. Send reminders

Hi [school name] staff. This is a reminder that the elementary school will have a shortened day this [day]. Students will leave by [time].

  1. Book chaperones

Hi teachers! We need [X] chaperones for the field trip to [location] on [date]. Please reply if you’re interested or available.

  1. Request substitute teachers

Hi, staff. One of our [grade] teachers has an emergency. Is anyone free to substitute them from [date] to [date]. If you’re available, please reply YES.

  1. RSVP for events

Hi [teacher name]. The [event name] is taking place on [date] at [time]. Please RSVP as a volunteer, organizer, or attendee by [date]. Thank you!

  1. Class cancellations

Hi, [school name] staff. Due to a severe snowstorm, all classes will be canceled on [date]. Please plan accordingly. 

A text example asking for staff to chaperon a field trip

<h3 id="Payment">Payment collection</h3>

Sending an SMS message is a quick and easy way to request and remind parents and students for payments. Take a look at these payment collection SMS templates. 

  1. Collect tuition

Hi, [guardian name]. The [semester] tuition fee for [student name] is due soon. Please pay by [date] to avoid late fees. - [school name]

  1. Field trip fees

Hi, [student name]. Your spot is saved for the field trip to [location]. Please pay [amount] to the admin office before [date]. Thank you!

  1. Payment for events

Hello [name]. Please pay [amount] to [school name] to participate in [event name]. Fees are due [date]. 

A text example reminding parents to pay tuition fee

<h3 id="Collect">Collect feedback</h3>

Use SMS to request and collect feedback from students and parents. Here are feedback collection SMS templates to help you out. 

  1. Course evaluations

Hi, [student name]. Thanks for taking our [topic] course. We’d love to get your feedback and find ways to improve. Complete our survey here: [link]

  1. Teacher evaluations

Hi, [student name]. Please share feedback on your [teacher/professor]. Feedback will be anonymous and is helpful for future courses. Complete the survey here: [link]

  1. Encourage complaints

Hello, [guardian name]. Lately, we’ve received bullying reports. Help us create a safe space for everyone, and report any cases. They will be anonymous.[Link]

  1. Service surveys

Hi, [name]. We want to hear your thoughts on the [cafeteria/dining hall] service. Share your feedback here: [link]

  1. Feedback reminders

Hi, [name]. There’s still time to complete our survey for the [event name]! Your feedback is very important to us. If you are able to, please take the survey here: [link]

A text example asking students to complete a course survey

Enhance academic communication with Textline

SMS is the communication solution that schools need to effectively communicate with students, parents, and staff. With mass texting, two-way SMS, and automation features, Textline improves school communication while saving time for administrators.

Ready to leverage the power of SMS for schools? Schedule your demo with Textline today. 

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