Every business wants a smoother sales cycle, as it results in more leads and revenue. Effective communication with prospects and leads is key to an efficient sales cycle. That’s why more businesses are adding SMS as a marketing tool.
Texting is a powerful way to connect with potential and current customers because of its speed, convenience, and high open rate.
We've compiled a list of effective sales text message examples to help you conceptualize how your business can use texting in your sales workflow. We’ve organized them based on the different stages in a typical sales cycle.
Jump right to sales texting examples for:
- Awareness stage
- Interest stage
- Decision stage
- Action stage
- After-sale
- Tips to set you up for sales texting success
<h2 id="Awareness">Awareness stage SMS examples</h2>
The first stage of the sales funnel is awareness, or when a customer first identifies a problem and starts exploring solutions. It is a great place to make potential customers aware of your brand. For clients in this stage, use value-focused and problem-solving messaging. Let’s explore some ways to use sales texting for this stage.
Please keep in mind cold texting prospects is illegal, so there are fewer sales texting use cases for this stage. You must first collect permission to text contacts, which you may have received from an SMS keyword campaign or an event.
Share educational content
If you’ve collected consent to text, use SMS to deliver educational materials like one-pagers, blogs, or helpful videos.
Hi [name]. Thanks for stopping by the [company] booth at the conference. I wanted to share a quick one-pager about how to solve [issue]: [link]
Hi [name]. Thanks for signing up for texts to learn more about [problem]. Here’s a resource that can help you: [link].
Invite to an event
Use text messaging to invite a sales lead to an event like a webinar or particular track at a conference.
Hi [name]. [Company name] is hosting an [event] on [date]. It will cover how to solve [problem]. Would you like us to save you a seat?
Hi [name]. [Conference name] starts this week. If you want to learn how to solve [problem], stop by track [number] at [date] and [time].

<h2 id="Interest">Interest stage SMS examples</h2>
Next in the sales cycle is the interest phase. This is when potential customers start to research and compare their choices. In this stage, you want to learn your customers' needs, quickly reply to any inquiries, and clarify your value proposition. Often, a customer may reach out to get pricing information or a demo of your product.
Inquiry follow-up
Studies show that companies that reply to inbound inquiries quickly are more likely to land a deal. For reference, the average text is read within three minutes of receipt and has a 90-second reply time. Set yourself up for success by using SMS to follow up with leads as soon as possible.
Hi [name]. Thanks for filling out [company’s] online form! Are you free for a [X] minute call on [date] to discuss your needs?
Hi [name]! Thanks for inquiring about [company’s] offerings. I’d love to set up a quick call to discuss your needs. You can schedule a time that works best for you here [link].
Give pricing information or a quote
Use text messaging to give pricing information quickly or provide a pricing quote. You can share a link to your pricing page or request to set up a meeting to discuss pricing in more detail.
Hi [name]! Thanks for reaching out about a quote for our [service]. A standard [service] costs around [$X]. We can also jump on a call to discuss specific pricing for your needs!
Hi [name]. Thanks for reaching out about a quote for our venue! It depends on several factors like guest count and time of year. Are you free for a call to discuss your needs?
Hi [name]. Thanks for reaching out about pricing. Here’s a link to our pricing plans: [link]

Confirm calls, demos, or meetings
Text messaging is a great way for salespeople to confirm a call, appointment, or demo. This ensures your prospect is available or can reschedule to cut down on no-shows.
Hi [name]! This is [name] from [company]. Just a quick reminder that our call is tomorrow at [time]. Chat soon!
Hi [name]. This is a reminder that your [product] demo is tomorrow at [time]. Let me know if you need to reschedule!
Hi [name]! Our meeting about [topic] is today at [time]. Please reply to this text if you need to reschedule! Talk to you soon! -[Name]
Qualify leads
Use a text message to quickly qualify leads who reached out for more information. You can follow up with a question you commonly ask to engage them. Here are some sample sales text messages you can use.
Good morning, [name]. You placed an inquiry for a [product]. Is it for personal or commercial use?
Hi [name]. Thanks for your interest in [company]. How many people on your team will use this product?
Hi [name]. Thanks for your interest in [company]. Are you looking for a new solution or switching from an existing provider?
Collect more information
Often, you need to get more information from a lead or prospect to understand their needs. Use a text message to collect this information quickly.
Thanks for reaching out about [service] with [company]. Could you provide a bit more information about your company?
Thanks for reaching out about [product]. Are you free for a call at [time] to answer a few questions?
Hi [name]! This is [name] from [company]. Can you share a photo of the product you need to be picked up?

Nurture leads
In the interest stage, leads evaluate your services and need more information before they commit to a purchase. Use a series of text messages to share helpful information that drives leads to make a decision.
Hi [name]. [Name] from [company] I wanted to share a one-pager that discusses all our available features. Check it out: [link]
Hi [name]! As you’re evaluating services, I wanted to share a quick case study with you on how another company in your industry saw success with [company]. [Link]
Hi [name]. Did you know [company] is top-rated? Check out some of our reviews: [link]
Let prospects know they can text you
You can let any lead know they can reach you via text message. This helps you get to their questions faster than an email. Check out a few templates below.
It was great speaking with you today, [name]! Feel free to text me here with any questions. -[name]
Hi [name]! I just sent you an email detailing everything we covered in our meeting. You can text me here for a more prompt response. Thanks, [name].
Hi [name]! This is [name] from [company]. Please feel free to text me here with any questions you have!
Follow up after an unanswered message
Salespeople must master the art of the follow-up text. You’ll likely need to follow up several times before a contact is ready to buy. Use an SMS message to nudge a prospect to reengage.
Hi [name]. It’s [name] from [company]. I’m following up on your interest in our services. Let me know if you’re free for a call this week!
Hi [name]. It’s [name] from [company]. I quickly wanted to follow up about setting up a call. Let me know your availability on [date] and [date].

Get 27 more sales follow-up text message examples to engage prospects.
<h2 id="Decision">Decision stage SMS examples</h2>
In the decision stage, prospects are ready to buy. At this point, you’ll want to persuade them to choose your product or service over the competition and highlight your unique selling points.
Set up a free trial or ship a free sample
Use a text message to encourage leads to sign up for a free trial to test your product. Creating this free trial account can help your lead make a decision. You can also send free samples of your product to encourage a purchase.
Hi [name]. I’d love to get you started with a free [X] day trial so you can see [product] in action. Are you ready to get one set up?
Hi [name]. After the demo today, I’d love to get you set up on a free trial. You can claim that offer here: [link]
Hi [name]. I can get you started today with [X] free samples. Do you have an address I can send them to?
Free trial expiration messages
Use a text message to get free trial users to pay for continued service. Ask if they want to extend their trial period or start a paid subscription.
Hi [name]. It looks like your free trial ends tomorrow. Are you free for a quick call so we can choose the right plan for you?
Hi [name], this is [name] from [company]. Did you enjoy your [X]-day trial? I’d love to discuss extending your trial or setting up your paid account. Would [date] at [time] work for you?
Hi [name]. It looks like your free trial ends [date]. How did you like it? Are you interested in extending the trial or getting your full account set up?
Objection handling
Most prospects you speak with will have some type of objection, whether it's about pricing, timing, or competitors. All sales representatives know they must have strategies in their back pocket to handle these objections. Let’s look at a few ways to handle objections via text messaging.
Hi [name]. I checked with my supervisor and I’m able to negotiate pricing. Are you free for a call at [time]?
Hi [name]! I’m excited to let you know that we offer month-to-month pricing so you won’t be stuck in a contract! Do you have time to connect this week?
Hi [name], let me explain how our product differs from [competitor]. Are you free for a call at [time]?
Check-in on readiness to purchase
In this stage, you can use a text message to check in on whether or not a customer is ready to complete a purchase. Sometimes, a quick follow-up is all it takes to convince a customer to buy your product.
Hi [name]. I checked on [item]. We can support your needs! Let me know if you want me to help get your account set up.
Hi [name]. We do offer [service]. Would you like to book now?
Hi [name]. I just wanted to check in to see if you have any questions about [company] or our services.
Hope you had a great weekend, [name]. I’d love to schedule a Zoom to walk through our proposal plan for your company. Do you have any availability this week?

<h2 id="Action">Action stage SMS examples</h2>
The action stage is when your prospect is ready to purchase your product. Use SMS to encourage final decisions, offer purchase incentives, or outline the purchase process.
Offer incentives
Often, it takes just a small incentive to convince customers to sign up, book, or buy. Use a text message to offer a limited-time offer to push clients to the finish line.
Hi [name]. We’re offering a limited-time discount on our new feature. For a limited time, you can get it for [X] dollars off.
Hi [name]. If you sign up today, I can get you [X] dollars off your first month!
Hi [name]. If you book today, I can get you [X] free! Let me know if you’re ready to buy.

Share next steps
After a client confirms they want to move forward, send them instructions via text about what to expect.
Hi [name]! Thanks for choosing [company]! I’ll send over an updated contract via email momentarily. I look forward to working with you!
Hi [name]! Thanks for your purchase! Once the order is processed, you’ll receive tracking information for this phone number!
Hi [name]. We can’t wait to work with you! Your account is ready! Our customer success manager will reach out via text shortly to set up some time to walk through the product again.
Share reminders
Use text messages to send quick reminders to your new customers. Often, when signing up for a business contract, customers need to sign paperwork, set up payments, or get recurring meetings on the books. Use a text message to remind them to complete these important steps.
Hey [name]. We’re excited to serve you! I emailed you a DocuSign of our contract, but you can reach out to me here with any questions or concerns.
Hi [name]. We’re excited to partner with you! I just emailed you our contract. Please sign it by [date]. Thank you!
Hi [name]! Thanks for choosing [company]! We’ll be setting up offline payments. Can you share what email to send the invoices to?
Hi [name]. Thanks for choosing [company]! As a reminder, we want to set up a monthly recurring meeting to discuss performance. Does the first Tuesday of every month work for you?

<h2 id="After">After-sale text message examples</h2>
After a successful sale, your focus should shift to turning new customers into repeat buyers, building a relationship, and retaining them long-term. Let’s look at some post-sale text message examples.
Thank customers for their business
Use one of these sales message examples to thank customers for their business. It’s a simple way to show your appreciation.
Hi [name]. I wanted to thank you for choosing [business name]. We’re excited to have you on board. Let us know if there’s anything you need help with.
Hi [name]. Thank you for continuing to use our services for your business. We’re thankful for your loyalty. As always, reach out if you have any questions.
Hey [name]. You’re all set. Thanks for choosing [business] for your [topic] needs. Please reach out if you need anything!
Hi [name]. Thanks for purchasing from [business]. We’re thankful for your business.
Keep in touch with current customers
Use text messages to keep in touch with your existing customers. This is a great way to build a relationship. You can wish them happy holidays, congratulate them, or ensure they don’t need help with onboarding.
Hi [name]. I wanted to check in with you and see if you were able to [complete the task]. Let me know if you need help with anything.
Hi [name]. I wanted to wish you a very happy holidays! I hope they are filled with love and cheer.
Hi [name]. I saw you received [professional reward]. It’s super well-deserved. Congratulations.

Hand off a customer to a customer success manager (CSM)
If your business uses CSMs, use a group text message to introduce a new customer to their representative. This is a great way to ensure a smooth transition from your sales to success team.
Hey [name]! I wanted to introduce you to [colleague name], your new customer success representative. Please reach out to either of us if you have any issues!
Hi [name]. I’ve added [colleague name] to this text thread. They will be your new customer success manager. Please reach out to us if you have any questions or want help setting up your account.
Check-in for repeat purchases
Use text messages to check in with customers about their inventory or to ask if they need anything else from your business.
Hi [name], we’re placing an order for [item] next week. Let me know if you need anything else.
Hi [name], how’s the new shipment of [item]? I hope everything is up to your standards. -[Salesperson name]
Hi [name]. Do you need any more credits? We’re running a discount until [date].

Let customers know they can text you
Post-sale, let customers know that they can text you. This will help you keep the door open with texting as a mode of communication.
Hey [name]. I just wanted to let you know that you can text me at this number if you need anything!
Hi [name]. If you need anything answered, feel free to text me here. I’ll reply as soon as I can.
Feedback requests
Request feedback from customers about the sales process via text message. This vital information can help you improve your sales process.
Hi [name]. Would you mind taking a quick 2-question text survey about your experience with me as your account representative? Your feedback helps me improve.
Hi [name], I wanted to see if there’s anything you think could be improved in the sales process. Thanks for your consideration.
Send a reminder text about renewals
Many businesses run on subscription services and renewals. Use a text message to remind clients about upcoming payments, annual renewals, or contract renegotiations.
Hi [name]. Your annual renewal for [business] is approaching on [date]. To cancel your automatic renewal, [directions].
Hi [name], This is a reminder that your annual contract ends on [date]. Let's schedule a time to talk about renewing it.
Hi [name]. To keep your account active, please pay [amount] by [date]. Thank you!
You owe a balance of [amount] on your insurance for [car model]. Please call us at [phone number] or head online to make your payment. [link]
Upsell or cross-sell to a customer
Once you’ve established rapport with your customers, you can use text messages as an opportunity to upsell another one of your services or products.
Hey [name], I noticed you’ve added more people to your account! Would you like to upgrade to the enterprise plan? You’ll also gain access to more features.
Hi [name], It looks like your office is low on [item]. Would you like me to increase your next order?
Hi [name]. I wanted to offer you first access to a new feature called webchat. Are you interested in trialing it for [X] days?

<h2 id="Tips">Tips to set you up for sales texting success</h2>
Now that you have some templates to use, let’s look at some best practices to help you get the most out of your sales SMS strategy.
- Gain consent to text. No matter your use case, you must gain consent to text your customers. This consent, called an SMS opt-in, is a legal requirement. There are several ways you can obtain this consent, including your online lead capture forms. Do NOT cold text your customers.
- Personalize. You’ll want to personalize your text messages to leads and customers. At a minimum, include their name. To personalize even further, include details about their inquiry or a past conversation you had with them. Ultimately, you don’t want to sound robotic or automated, as this is a turn-off in the sales process.
- Get the timing right. Pay attention to the timing of your text messages. The best time to send messages will depend on several factors, including where a lead is in the buying journey, the topic of conversation, and your customers. For example, most B2B businesses should only contact customers during business hours.
- Don’t be afraid to follow up. Follow-ups are crucial in the sales process. The same goes when you’re using texting as your channel of communication. Be cautious not to bombard your potential customers with unnecessary messages. Be tasteful and strategic with follow-up texts.
- Include a call to action. Include a clear CTA in your sales text message. This ensures the lead knows what action to take. Some common CTAs in the sales process include the following: learn more, schedule your demo, get your quote, reply here, and more.
- Integrate SMS into your overarching strategy. Ensure you integrate your sales texting outreach into your overall sales and marketing strategy. You’ll want to keep records of the outreach you’re having with customers. One of the best ways to do this is to integrate SMS with your CRM, like HubSpot or Salesforce.
Improve your sales workflow with Textline
With the right SMS platform, you can easily improve your sales workflow to speed up and simplify communication with leads. Textline is a top-rated sales SMS software that allows two-way texting, automating follow-ups, setting reminders, and more.You can test the Textline platform for free for 14 days. Try it today and start seeing sales efficiencies.